Hey, I'm on a trip with the Upper Sixth today so you can work from home.
You should have bought a music magazine you like the look of over the weekend. If there was honestly nothing that you liked, google the genre of magazine you want and download a front cover, contents and double page spread to your desktop. (If you want Hip Hop/R&B there are several US mags available online: The Source, XXL and VIBE are three of the biggest).
To show me that you are starting to understand the codes and conventions of print media, recreate a double page spread of your choice from the magazine. You can use google images to find your star image but you must come up with an original headline and pull out quotes, as mode of address appears to be a sticking point.
For the rest of the journalism you can put boxes to show where the text should go.
Save as a JPEG and email to me by next lesson please with a document answering the following questions:
- What do the colours say about the star, target audience and the genre of the magazine? (aimed at males/females, age, interests, red = ROCK etc)
- What shot types are used for the star and what representations do they create? (use your notes from a couple of weeks ago for this)
- How do the fonts, colours, mode of address and representation of the star combine to create the genre?
Hope this is OK, any questions email me. See you on Weds :-)
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