Saturday, 22 October 2011

Popstars No2: Girl Bands

Girls Aloud

The Saturdays

Even though they are not wearing the same, there is a definite "look" for girl bands: look as if you are about to go clubbing/ on the pull. Little dresses, big heels, big hair (though one member tends to have short hair), lots of make up. Poses also tend to repeat across the genre: chests out, backs arched, hands on hips, "fierce" gaze.

However, while this appears to be all for the benefit of the male audience, this performance is mostly for females; dresses, shoes and accessories are deliberately chosen from the high street so girls can recreate the look, hair is long, glossy and the styles look "natural", meaning they are achievable.

These girls are not threatening to other females, they seem more like a group of friends- you can imagine them getting ready together and sharing a taxi home, unlike this band:

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