Friday, 21 October 2011

Genre and Music Photography

Hey, over the half term break I'm going to be posting interesting music photography with quick deconstructions to show you how they convey genre and represent the audience and star. I'll probably be looking at:

Female indie/rock/ alternative
Female pop
Male indie/rock/alternative
Male pop
Male hip-hop/r&b

Female hip-hop/r&b is tricky as the representations are overwhelmingly sexualised, and therefore inappropriate for you and your friends to use in your coursework.


However, if you are creative and can find a way of representing women in a non-derogatory way, go for it!

If there is anything I've missed that you'd like to see, or you have a question, email me at, I'll try to get back to you.

Photos in for first lesson back please. No excuses, we will only have a week to construct the front cover.

Deadline for Front Cover first draft is FRIDAY 4TH NOVEMBER

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