Sunday, 27 November 2011


  • A clear, well- lit image of your star.
  • Rule of thirds
  • masthead across the top 1/6 of the page, starting in the top left corner
  • Star's eyes in the top 1/3 of the page
  • All text in capitals, different sizes to delineate headings and sub-headings
  • Sans serif or serif fonts depending on genre
  • Two/three colours with one contrasting colour to draw the eye to special features e.g. prizes
  • How are representations created through the combination of star, brand, text and the values connoted to the audience?
  • Unique Selling Point: what makes your mag different to all the others on the shelf? Star, masthead, branding and what these symbolise, giveaways
  • Mode of address
  • Features justified to the side of the page, not the centre
  • Lines of text within each feature very close together- use individual pieces of word art
  • Not more than three small words per line
  • Feature relating to star should be biggest on the page and anchored to the star
  • make sure fonts are easy to read and look professional.
  • At least five features
  • banner/ strap at top or bottom of page
  • price and date
  • tagline under the masthead

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