Monday, 28 November 2011


You know by now that regardless of genre, all music magazines follow certain CONVENTIONS, because as a culture we expect certain CODES in our media texts. 

What follows are checklists of conventions and codes that you should try to include in your work. But remember, as well as USING conventions in your work, it has to look professional; you are marked for how well you UNDERSTAND the features you are employing not how many you use, as you will have to DECONSTRUCT your own work in detail.

TIP: always have a music magazine on your desk to refer to as you work. At this point it is better to have a real magazine rather than a JPEG on your desktop so you can study the text in detail. 

Stop reading the magazines as if you are a member of the audience: instead of looking for bands and articles that you like you must detach yourself from the text and analyse how the pages are built; front covers, contents and double page spreads all follow a FORMULA, that you can play with depending on the AUDIENCE and the IDEOLOGIES you are portraying.

And always step back from the screen, look at your work and see if it looks balanced.

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